Dental Implants in Richmond, CA

Dental Implants in Richmond, CAGetting dental implants in Richmond, CA (or anywhere) can be a confusing, and sometimes scary, process. That’s why we’ve create this helpful information filled page to inform you about what dental implants are and what you might expect through the unique medical procedure of getting dental implants. We hope this helps put your mind and smile at ease. Let’s begin! 

What are dental implants?

A lot of people think a dental implant is simply a new artificial tooth. But that is not entirely correct. Technically, the implant is only the artificial tooth root (also called the implant screw or fixture) that is placed into the jaw. The surgical procedure of implanting the artificial tooth root (or implant screw) is known as osseointegration. Once the new artificial tooth root is implanted into the jaw, your general dentist can then place the new artificial tooth (also called the implant crown) on top of the artificial tooth screw. But if you are going to get a dental implant, you are also going to need to get a new implant crown, so in a way the two kind of go together.

I keep seeing the word periodontist on the internet… What is a periodontist?

A periodontist is a special type of dentist. A periodontist is a dentist who specializes with issues relating to your dental gum tissue. They work in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and they are also the oral surgeon that places the artificial tooth root into your jaw when you go to get a dental implant.

If I’ve been in an accident and I still have half my tooth showing, do I need a dental implant?

It’s possible that in this case you don’t have any root damage, and so you don’t need an actual implant. But it’s best to stop by your dentist just to make sure. You probably just need a veneer. A veneer is similar to the implant crown in that it is the artificial material that looks like your new tooth. A veneer is a thin looking cover, usually made out of a resin composite material, or ceramic, that is attached with a strong, non-toxic, binding agent to your existing tooth material. We get many patients with a chipped tooth, and a partial break in the tooth that are able to simply have a veneer attached to the tooth, and everything looks as good as new. No need to go for an implant. To find out more about veneers, what they are, how much they cost, and where to get one, please click the button below.  

Do dental implants have anything to do with Dentures?

Yes! Implant supported dentures are actually the latest in terms of denture technology. Actually, did you know that scientists believe that the first widespread use of dentures occurred around nine thousand years ago?! These ancient dentures were usually made out of human AND animal teeth! In the 1700 Ivory dentures became very popular and people were often wearing teeth made of walrus, elephant, and even hippopotamus teeth! That’s gotta be one big tooth! But today dentures have come along way. The use of Implant supported dentures allows for the stimulation of the jaw bone, as well as a strong base to attach the denture set to. The old method of gluing your dentures to your teeth is being used less and less.   

What are some of the other reasons people need dental implants?

The most obvious would be you are missing a tooth and you don’t like the way it looks, but did you know that if you are missing an entire tooth, including the tooth root, it can actually effect the shape of your jaw? When you are missing teeth, the jaw bone actually begins to deteriorate, and that can cause your face to appear like its sinking into itself. Yikes! With a dental implant you will provide the necessary support needed to have your face looking healthy and beautiful.

When missing a tooth, you might not know this, but your other teeth will try to fill up that empty space. When your teeth move to fill the empty space, it can cause all of those moving teeth to become deformed in their placement and then you could be looking at braces and spending some serious money on your orthodontics for years to come.  

If you’ve been trying to get by with a bridge to hold your teeth in place, and you are still missing a tooth root, then you could be causing major damage, not just to your teeth, but your jaw bones as well. Without a root (real or artificial) in your jaw bone, the bone will begin to deteriorate. And if the days comes that you are ready to get the root implant done, you might not have the jaw bone material to carry out the procedure! So don’t wait!

What if I think I need a dental implant, what should I do?

Well, first you need to go and see a general dentist. Your general dentist will be able to assess your situation and schedule you to go see an oral surgeon if needed. Your oral surgeon will be placing what’s called an implant fixture into your jaw which will act as the new tooth root. We work with the most highly skilled, highly experienced, and highly recommended oral surgeons in the Bay Area. After your visit to the oral surgeon you will return to our office so that we can implant your new tooth (also called the implant crown), onto the implant fixture that your surgeon has installed. But really it all starts with a visit to your general dental office. So don’t wait another minute! Our dental office is the highest praised and best dental office in the Richmond, CA area. Whether you need dental implants for your children or for an adult, we are here to provide the best dental service in the Bay Area.

Click the button below to schedule your first meeting with us today!